Browsing: Logistics

Renault has updated its range of distribution vehicles with new versions of the Midlum and Premium with new cabs, chassis and powertrains. The Midlum range runs from 7.5 to 18 tonnes which the Premium Distribution runs from 16 to 26 tonnes.

While much of the focus has been on the recent spate of takeovers in third party logistics providers, NYK Logistics has been quietly building its market share in the UK.

Freightliner has reported record handling volumes at Thamesport. Total movements to and from the port for last week in April ended at 1355 containers.

It’s arguable that global sourcing is changing traditional distribution patterns. But now, with the road transport system being affected by the rising price of fuel, are we now entering a new era where intermodality rules?

Logistics Manager’s survey of Top Logistics Service Providers is designed to provide the key information customers need when selecting a logistics partner-size, geographical coverage, market specialisation and so on.

TNT’s first quarter sales were up 8.9 per cent to 2,647m euros while the profit from continuing operations was up 6.9 per cent at 216m euros. The logistics division, which is up for sale, saw losses increase from 8m to 11m euros.

The government must speed up its plans for introducing road pricing, according to a new report from the CILT (UK). It said it welcomes the government’s commitment to road pricing as being the only effective way to tackle congestion.

Professor Alan McKinnon, director of Logistics Research at Heriot -Watt University, told delegates that at any given time, there is £460m worth of freight in transit on UK roads.