Central to European logistics activity, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg – the ‘Benelux’ region – is set to benefit from the trend to outsource from China. Within easy reach of Europe’s prosperous consumer population demand for distribution facilit
Browsing: Logistics
The advice from the government is that operators will need to be ready to use digital tachographs in new HGVs and PSVs from May this year.
The most significant challenge facing the Logistics Services sector is that of complexity. With lengthening supply chains, brought about by the trend to ‘global sourcing’, service providers are now placed in a position where managing this complexity req
At the time of writing this column, we have another surge of interest in the popular press and TV on “Scourge of the White Van Man”.
Control Towers provide air traffic personnel with complete visibility of all the flights they are supervising. A new breed of Logistics Control Tower is now providing the same help to logistics service providers. By Joakim Jansch
Transport for London has a hidden agenda to raise revenue, according to the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association.
We’ve never been afraid of copying good models from other businesses,’ says the vp supply chain for Rexam Beverage Can Europe
FDB Distribution has launched a contract packing service. Director Francis De Beer says: “We saw an opportunity, noticing we were storing goods, picking to orders and delivering to local packers on behalf of customers. This is also saving transport costs.
Postcomm, the independent regulator for postal services, has proposed penalties of £11.7m on Royal Mail for serious breaches of its licence obligations.
It falls the way of most logisticians that their working lives are filled with meetings of every kind. I am no exception and, even as I write, have just returned home after a round of meetings addressing both European policy issues and the running of the