Browsing: Logistics

A selection of Britain’s major business leaders will once again take centre stage at The Institute of Logistics and Transport’s (ILT) annual logistics convention when it returns to Birmingham’s ICC for the second year (17 and 18 June 2003).

During the last logistics conference of the Czech Logistics Association (CLA) Motoki Inatsuka, vice president of the Japanese Institute of Logistics Systems gave a presentation on logistics developments in Japan versus China. Could we translate that to co

Last month the German, central and eastern European markets were the focus of attention for three of Europe’s largest logistics companies. TNT Logistics announced that it had hired three of the top executives from Luxembourgbased Thiel Logistik, including

As just one of a number of sourcing choices, is collaborative supply chain management the universal good it’s cracked up to be? Professor Andrew Cox looks into relationships in supply chain power regimes and comes up with some challenging conclusions

The spare parts aftermarket, or ‘support chain’ is becoming as much about information as it is about mechanical bits and pieces. Are we seeing the emergence of a new model for aftermarket services?