More that 1,500 individuals have used Skills for Logistics’ skills calculator since it was launched in March
Browsing: Professional development
It’s an idea that started in Australia, and now SfL is rolling it out here
China now has 2,600 colleges offering logistics qualifications
Skills for logistics (SfL), The British Council and the China Federation for Logistics and Purchasing (CFLP) have teamed up to host a delegation of 20 logistics and educational officials from China
Skills for Logistics is extending the Military Work Placement Scheme until 31st August 2013
It’s time for the UK to drop down the youth unemployment league table
Ten per cent of UK greenhouse gases are produced by logistics
Wouldn’t it be nice to see ‘logistician’ among the ten most popular careers?
Skills for Logistics has launched a scheme to help former military personnel make the transition to civilian logistics careers
Skills for Logistics has been awarded £1.14 million to help military logisticians make the transition to the civilian logistics industry