Browsing: Sustainability

The Freight Transport Association has told the government that maritime emissions reductions should be tackled at a global level through the International Maritime Organisation, rather than at a national or regional level

London mayor Boris Johnson agonised over the decision to introduce tougher standards for the London Low Emission Zone, Peter Hendy, the Transport for London commissioner has told the Road Haulage Association annual lunch

Supply chain collaboration has long been talked about as the next big thing, yet more often that not it remains a boardroom discussion rather than an operational reality. But as companies begin to plateau after the recession, could now be the time for col

IATA chief Tony Tyler has called on the EU to abandon its plan to include aviation in its emissions trading scheme arguing that airlines needed to be part of a global scheme rather than a regional one

Operators of Euro III trucks have just three months to upgrade to Euro IV to meet the tighter standard for the London Low Emission Zone which comes into force on 3rd January

The European Union should suspend implementation of its Emissions Trading Scheme for aviation and to instead pursue a global agreement of aviation carbon emissions through the International Civil Aviation Organisation, according to The International Air C