NHS Supply Chain has widened its ethical procurement programme following the passing of UK Modern Slavery Act. It means that more than 200 suppliers are now subject to the Labour Standards Assurance System (LSAS) conditions.
In its 2015-6 Sustainable Development Report, NHS Supply Chain, which is part of DHL, says it has trained 75 per cent of its buyers on the Modern Slavery Act and is on target to train 100 per cent by the end of 2017.
Chief operating officer David Pierpoint, said: “By working cross-functionally with our suppliers and stakeholders we can understand more about our impact and help ensure sustainable activity is embedded in the business.”
The company also took delivery of 120 new vehicles in recognition of the fact that a large proportion of its direct carbon footprint originates from its delivery vehicles. In response, the new fleet and other initiatives such as driver training, vehicle telematics and route planning have reduced the environmental impact of deliveries.