With the London Olympics just a year away, there are moves to get night-time deliveries back on the agenda. There…
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Despite the rumours of shortages in distribution warehouse space there was in fact an increase of 17 per cent in 2010. The problem is, according to Lambert Smith Hampton, that the total availability continued to be driven by the return of unwanted, lower
German motor manufacturer Volkswagen expects supply chain saving of 200 million euros a year from a takeover of MAN, the group has revealed with the launch of its formal bid for the truck maker
It’s that time of year again. I’m not talking about the hay fever season, but the volcano season
Where will the next big ideas in supply chain management come from? Over the years we have seen the automotive sector coming forth with far-reaching concepts and radical restructuring of their supply chains – introducing just-in-time deliveries of parts
Companies are most likely to improve supply chain efficiency by taking incremental steps with new technology, inventory management and supplier consolidation, according to a new report from KPMG.
You’ve probably noticed already, but there is something of an argument going on in the investment community about the supply chain lessons to be learnt from the Great East Japan Earthquake, as it is now being described.
Sua Tela Tonanti – the motto of the Royal Army Ordnance Corps, now part of the Royal Logistics Corps, is generally translated as “To the warrior his arms”.
It’s been a long time coming, but the Logistics Apprenticeship has arrived.
Milton Keynes is going to lose 1,000 jobs and all because it does not have a rail freight terminal.