Billions of pounds have been saved by companies through supply chain improvements over the past year. So are you keeping up with your peers?
Browsing: Opinion
It’s always been one of the little miracles of logistics. Turn up at your local chemist with a prescription and no matter how exotic the drug, it will be obtained for you within a couple of hours.
The trading environment might be tough, but the evidence is clear that investing in skills really does pay.
When I was a child, China was regarded in the West as a deeply threatening place – the home of Mao Tse-Tung and his particularly hard line form of communism.
Transport and logistics is the only sector in Europe in which greenhouse gas emissions are significantly increasing instead of decreasing, according to PE International, a German consultancy specialising in sustainability.
How long should a supply chain be? Can it ever be overly extended or just too complex? What’s that Goldilocks principle that makes a supply chain just right?
Last year the United States gave 505,010,020 Apple iPads to China – a handsome gift indeed, equal to 5,800 tons of pure gold.
Trained workers can be on average 23 per cent higher in productivity.
[asset_ref id=”969″] When the prime minister and the chancellor of the exchequer start to fall out you know there is…
Thanks to changing technology, concepts that were once regarded as innovative, high risk, too complex or simply too expensive are rapidly becoming standard – and that applies both to IT and logistics services.