Browsing: Opinion

It would be nice to start by saying: “Now that the dust has settled…” But it hasn’t, and it looks as though the cloud from the Icelandic volcano is going to be around for some time to come.

It’s no joke. On the 1st April, five thousand companies in the UK became affected by new legislation requiring all companies on half-hourly electric meters to register for the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme

Read the latest annual report of practically any major company and you will find lots of references to reducing inventory, conserving cash in the business, and improving sourcing practices.

Gaining a foothold in China’s domestic time-sensitive logistics market will require patience and local know-how

Just as we were all getting used to talking about supply chain rather than logistics, it appears that the term is running out of steam and no longer describes what (for want of a better expression) supply chains do.

When Elvis sang “A little less conversation, a little more action please” back in 1968, it’s a fair bet that he wasn’t referring to collaboration in the supply chain.

TV pundits got terribly excited the other day when it was announced that the headline GDP growth rate for the last quarter of 2009 was 0.3 per cent rather than the 0.1 per cent that the government originally estimated.