There are good conference speakers and not so good conference speakers. And, to be honest I don’t usually warm to speakers who start their presentations with the phrase “why talk about logistics – logistics is the least important part”
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It sounds really simply – get six things right and you too can have a top-performing supply chain. It’s only when you examine the six management principles identified by consultants McKinsey that you realise quite what a challenge you face
This week UK unemployment is expected to rise above the two million mark, with estimates for the jobless total over the course of the recession set to reach as high as three million
We all have a natural reluctance to change – what has served us well in the past will do well again in the future. It’s difficult to embrace and it’s hard to engage teams in orchestrating change as inevitably it involves processes that are unfamiliar, unt
In recent weeks getting paid quickly has become the name of the game – when credit is tight fast cash-flow counts. But all too often invoices can be delayed or set-aside by accounts payable departments due to inconsistencies that arise
Only 11 per cent of the logistics workforce is under the age of 25. Conversely some 42 per cent are over the age of 45 with a large proportion of them over 55. This is a demographic time-bomb prImed to explode. That’s one million people destined to leave
February turned out to offer some very special challenges to logistics professionals with the heaviest snowfalls for almost two decades followed by flooding. The snow might have brought London and the South East to a virtual standstill- but that didn’t st
Government plans for a third runway at Heathrow have moved a step forward but there are real fears that it could still end up on the scrapheap, warns Malory Davies.
Growing need for flexibility, responsiveness and adaptable supply chains might just encourage even more outsourcing as we wait for the upturn.
In addition to the many distracting financial challenges that supply chain and procurement directors face, many are charged with delivering on promises set-out in corporate policies on reducing carbon emissions. The problem facing senior management