Welcome to the first edition of Supply Chain Standard, the new name for Logistics Europe.
Browsing: Opinion
The shift of manufacturing from Europe to the Far East is driving dramatic growth in deep sea container shipping which is creating a whole set of new challenges for the major shipping lines.
Landlords have agreed a new voluntary Code of Practice for commercial leases, which will considerably benefit tenants in the future, according to Charles Woollam, a partner at property consultancy Donaldsons,
Back in 2000, the government published its Ten Year Transport Plan promising £121 billion of investment and “the long-term framework required for developing and delivering big projects”.
Ahoy me hearties and set sail for junction 22 of the M6, where Astral Developments is building Parkside. No – it’s not a container port five miles inland but nor is it a site specifically for haulage as you might expect of something so wedded to the M6.
Over the ten years of The European Supply Chain Excellence Awards, Logistics Europe has worked closely with its partners to seek out best practice in supply chain management. Our aim has been to benchmark performance and to set the standards by which supp
How do you achieve an accurate forecast in retail? Enter ‘flowcastin’. By Penelope Ody
The maxim ‘The customer is king’ has always held true in retailing. The problem is ‘the king’ is now more demanding than ever.
A new European standard for warehouse floors is under discussion.
Interest in RFID has been preoccupied with stock keeping but signs of a more innovative approach are evolving.