Search Results: bs handling (1382)

Nissan is buying Swedish warehouse equipment manufacturer Atlet through its subsidiary, Nissan Forklift Europe.

With transport costs rising and green issues increasingly on the agenda. The FMCG sector needs to adopt a more collaborative approach to solving the sector’s distribution challenges, says Hugh Basham

How do you balance ‘lean’ with ‘green’? Consumers want goods that have been ethically sourced and delivered in an environmentally responsible way – however they are not keen on paying extra for them. So to what degree can the FMCG sector accommodate thes

The nature and scope of third party logistics contracts reveals a lot about the state of the market. Our exclusive survey looks at some of the major deals signed in the past year and looks at industry confidence for the coming year.

BSH Home Appliances has made NYK Logistics its sole provider of logistics services for small trade customers, as well as handling 50 per cent of bulk deliveries into the distribution networks of BSH’s major retail customers.

As the industry starts to gear up for Christmas, companies are having to consider if they have the capacity to meet the demand peaks. If not, a temporary warehouse could be the answer.

Companies are under increasing pressure to demonstrate their commitment to the green agenda. But there are still a lot of grey areas regarding which technologies companies should invest in to guarantee a greener future. Jessica Davies investigates.