Search Results: bs handling (1382)

The spate of takeover and mergers in the third party logistics market have created some huge organisations, emphasising the difference in approach to the market.

Retailers are shifting their focus away from out of town supercentres to more local stores in the middle of towns and shopping centres. And indications are that we may well be at the beginning of a ‘Convenience shopping’ revolution. But what are the imp

In November 2005, the International Telecommunications Union, published its futuristic report on ‘The Internet of Things’ declaring that ‘anytime, any place connectivity for anyone’ would be extended to connect ‘anything’. It’s a vision which new RFID tec

Multi national apparel company House of Pearl has paid £2.4m for the freehold of a 43,000 sq ft warehouse in Milton Keynes through its subsidiary Poeticgem.

Warehouse IT is fast becoming a complex issue. But integrating the various necessary technologies, in real time, is now critical to best performance. John Lamb

The reshaping of the European Union will affect distribution in some profound ways. Romania, regarded by many as a wild frontier, could soon become a significant transit hub.

Asking a logistics space developer in the Benelux region for a quote on a building is a bit like talking to a Chelsea fan watching a London derby about England’s chances in the Ashes. The developer will admit politely that your request is very interesting

Briggs Equipment has won a five-year contract worth up to £2m, to supply materials handling equipment to BT Fleet.