Search Results: amazon (743)

Prologis has submitted revised plans for a 1 million sq ft plus warehouse in Widnes which had been rumoured to have been under offer to internet retail giant Amazon

Plans for a 1.8 million sq ft distribution park in Ashford Kent are set to be submitted shortly – and speculation is rife that internet shopping giant Amazon is likely to be taking up residence

The growth of online retailing and home delivery is renewing the focus on reverse logistics. Getting it wrong can be very expensive when returns can account for up to 30 per cent of shipped items

The explosion of multi-channel retailing means that logisticians are facing a new operational reality with increasing demands on the supply chain

Recent take up figures for warehouse space are declining but does that mean demand is too?

Cloudy is good, it seems, with software as a service moving into an increasing range of logistics applications, even so it’s not all plain sailing