Search Results: amazon (743)

Despite its position on the periphery of Europe the UK is one of the largest logistics markets in Europe with some 150 million sq m of warehouse stock. Thanks to confidence by developers in the speculative building market, coupled with an appetite by reta

Managing a large amount of data in real-time used to demand supercomputers, teams of highly-paid IT experts, years of work and a lot of money. Today, complex event processing systems are turning it into a lower budget affair. Penelope Ody

Aligning the value propositions in your supply chain gives you that special market identity that keeps customers coming back for more, says Veronica Martinez

The presence of low-cost economies on the eastern fringe has concentrated minds in Germany. But good infrastructure and a shift in the geographic centre for pan-European logistics creates a fine balance. By Chris Lewis

n expected 38 per cent increase in trade between the 25 EU member states by 2010 will place a great emphasis on ports and sea motorways. What will be the new pattern of demand for distribution centres? By Simon Lloyd