Heathrow Cargo Handling, a joint partnership between Air France and Servisair has leased a 65,000 sq ft at Horton Road, Poyle
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DHL has taken a 361,600 sq ft warehouse at Gazeley’s 46.1-acre G.Park Liverpool site in the North West
It is unlikely that there will be sufficient prime space available to meet demand in 2011 according to Lambert Smith Hampton’s latest research the National Industrial and Distribution Report 2011
Waitrose has set out plans for a regional distribution centre in Chorley, as part of a £35million investment in the North of England and Scotland
Agility has broken ground on a 11,890 sq m logistics facility in Melaka, Malaysia
Small sheds are normally the order of the day in Scotland but with Amazon set to build a one million square foot hub in Dunfermline could things be about to change? Lucy Tesseras reports.
Availability is down in the North East from a peak of 2.65m sq ft in 2007 to around 1.15m sq…
Huge take-up has left the region growing seriously short of available space. Liza Helps investigates.
Large scale logistics developments should be regarded as key supply chain infrastructure which requires a national policy dimension, Gazeley has…
Demand for warehouse space is growing strongly in the West Midlands. Property specialist DTZ reckons enquiries are up 30 per…