Rents at Heathrow have fallen for the first time in six years, despite the fact that the average Grade A rental value of £11.17 per sq ft in the region did not change, according to Jones Lang LaSalle’s latestWestern Corridor Industrial/WarehouseMarket Rep
Browsing: Property
Gazeley’s £50 million G.Park Blue Planet at Chatterley Valley has become the first development in the world to be awarded the new BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) “Outstanding” rating (design stage) – the highest su
With such a huge amount of space on the market it seems as if the good times are ready to roll. LIZA HELPS investigates.
Current conditions have forced landlords in the North West to be a little more creative, but there is life in the market yet, says LUCY TESSERAS.
There is a certain pleasure to be had from reading of local councillors falling over themselves to keep logistics jobs in their towns
Bibby Distribution has consolidated its operations in the North West
Lambert Smith Hampton and the RICS’ The Empty Property Rates Survey points to empty rates liability as the biggest single factor in the demolition of industrial buildings
Lambert Smith Hampton and CBRE are to market the site of the Mammoth warehouse, destroyed in the Buncefield explosion
Data centre operator, Node4 has taken a 26,000 sq ft warehouse
Global transport and logistics company DSV Road has opened a new 55,000 sq ft bespoke facility