Opus Land has started work on a £2.3million refurbishment of the former MFI factory site on Teesside.
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The government is outline the methods it will use to crack down on those landlords/owners of empty warehouses who try to avoid paying rates
Work is now complete on the latest super shed to hit the North West,
ProLogis is to submit plans for a 700,000 sq ft scheme on the former Rolls Royce site at Filton, Bristol
According to Jones Lang LaSalle’s latest 50 Centres Report UK rents increased by 2.1 per cent in the year to March 2007.
Great Bear Distribution has pre-let a 473,689 sq ft warehouse in Desbrough
Lincolnshire County Council has submitted outline plans for a 45-acre storage and distribution park at Kirton near Boston.
Wincanton has taken a three year lease on 8.82 acres of hard standing at Alconbury Airfield
Non food retailers and food retailers have taken up the most new shed space on the market,
According to King Sturge’s latest research the average size of big warehouses (over 100,000 sq ft) is getting bigger.