Property Information Packs that also include a certificate detailing the property’s energy efficiency – the commercial property equivalent to Home Information Packs – are to be introduced in October costing landlords thousands of pounds.
Browsing: Property
Gladman Developments has won planning permission for a speculative 215,000 sq ft industrial and distribution development, just off the A1 near Grantham in Lincolnshire.
Panasonic has agreed a £26.5m sale and leaseback with Macquarie Goodman.
One 20-acre plot remains at Express Park in Bridgwater capable of accommodating up to 420,000 sq ft in a single new building.
CB Richard Ellis has bought North West-based industrial specialist DGI Davis George.
Evans Property Group is planning to develop the remaining 170 acres at Fradley Park in Staffordshire.
Electrical retailer Maplin Electronics has taken a 196,000 sq ft warehouse at St Paul’s Developments’ Brookfields Park in Rotherham, South Yorkshire.
International Furniture Direct Operations has taken a 10-year lease at £210,000 a year on a 60,000 sq ft headquarters and distribution centre at Abercynon near Pontypridd on South Wales.
Developer St Modwen has started constructing the 120,000 sq ft second phase of its 32 acre Quedgeley West Business Park in Gloucester.
Scarborough Development Group and Shepherd Developments have completed the 163,000 sq ft final phase of their West Moor Park development near Doncaster, South Yorkshire.