Search Results: fulfilment centre (882)

Voice Picking is fast becoming the most efficient method of order picking in the warehouse, however the technology has come under fire from claims it has an alleged ‘dehumanising effect’ on employees.

As Britain’s manufacturing base continues to diminish, the UK economy is becoming increasingly services centric. A boom in retailing keeps supply chains active, but with congested infrastructure and labour shortages, what makes the UK attractive to invest

Complex supply chain operations are increasing the pressure on warehouse management systems to stay one step ahead. At the same time, IT professionals are under increasing pressure to squeeze more out of existing systems.

Philips Electronics has picked UPS to redesign and operate its global service parts logistics network in a move to improve customer service at its Medical Systems division.

James Falkner takes a look at some of the latest projects in the warehouse storage and racking industry.

Consolidation among the software providers, coupled with new competitors coming into the market, means that competition is hotting up in the supply chain execution sector. Malory Davies looks at the impact of the changes.

More and more operations include an element of reverse logistics despite the fact that the Eurocrats are still struggling to reach agreement of the final date and shape of the directive of waste electrical goods.

Three prominent firms have recently overhauled their planning systems and are reaping the benefits. IKEA has improved forecast accuracy by between 25 and 80 per cent by using a single database and plan. By John Lamb