Browsing: Supply Chain

Predictably, some familiar themes kept recurring at the Extended Supply Chain 2008 conference, held in London last month.

”Business leaders are increasingly looking to the supply chain to create a competitive edge which will directly impact the financial performance of their company”In the last year or so there has been a lot of talk about a new approach to supply chain ma

If you are involved in intercontinental supply chains, you perhaps have an hourglass view of the world. Not only is time ticking away but goods, like grains of sand, have to be funnelled through small corridors in order to get where they are going

EU enlargement has seen growing trade with new member countries in Central and Eastern Europe, according to global property adviser DTZ. These countries are acting as a gateway between Europe and non-EU countries, particularly Russia, and provide access

The more dynamic the business environment becomes with fast changes in demand, globalisation, outsourcing, e-commerce and higher environmental standards, the more important it becomes to understand how complex systems work.

Chris Pavlosky was born and brought up in the village of Thorne in South Yorkshire and worked at Markham Main Colliery after leaving school. His career took him into management consultancy with Coopers & Lybrand in New York. He was also managing director

Internet fashion retailer ASOS (As Seen on Screen) has leased ProLogis’158,250 sq ft warehouse DC158 (Azimuth) in Hemel Hempstead six weeks after practical completion.

For the eleventh outing of the ”Supply Chain Standard” European Supply Chain Excellence Awards we were again delighted to have as our partner PRTM and we are very grateful to PRTM and their partners and consultants across Europe for their input this yea