Browsing: Supply Chain

Two recent reports on European logistics have highlighted the opportunities for third party logistics companies and distribution warehouse developers.

There was a time when it was enough to be either different or cheaper. Now, a more complex and challenging environment is driving companies to leverage aspects such as innovation and product portfolio management as value levers for growth. By Jerker Funne

‘On demand’ IT services have come of age and may be considered more than just an interim solution. By Sam Tulip

Dachser pushes ahead into global forwarding, as Kuehne + Nagel boosts organic growth in Contract Logistics. By John Manners-Bell

How do you ensure that transformation projects have the greatest impact on shareholder value? It’s simple, if you have a map – as one major oil and gas company found out when deploying a five year process transformation across 29 countries. By Martyn Watt

n expected 38 per cent increase in trade between the 25 EU member states by 2010 will place a great emphasis on ports and sea motorways. What will be the new pattern of demand for distribution centres? By Simon Lloyd

Companies often find it difficult to put their fingers on the levers that drive performance. Here we reveal the six levers required for supply chain success. By Laurence Dupras

Central to European logistics activity, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg – the ‘Benelux’ region – is set to benefit from the trend to outsource from China. Within easy reach of Europe’s prosperous consumer population demand for distribution facilit

The most significant challenge facing the Logistics Services sector is that of complexity. With lengthening supply chains, brought about by the trend to ‘global sourcing’, service providers are now placed in a position where managing this complexity req