Two of the three finalists in the Public Sector/ Not for Profit category, International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) and NHS Supply Chain, were old friends of the Awards.
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As always there was a crowded field in the Retail and Distribution category, with finalists including Rexel Senate, Deutsche Woolworth, Mexx, Asda, and Sainsburys.
Rexel Senate has 95 UK branches wholesaling and distributing domestic and industrial elect
Traditionally, this is one of the most highly competitive Awards sectors, and this year was no different. For the combination of volumes and complexity, this sector has few rivals, and it has always set the pace for rigorous, data-based supply chain manag
There was strong competition this year in the Award for Fast Moving Consumer Goods/Consumer Packaged Goods between Seiko Optical, Electrolux, Kimberley Clark, and British American Tobacco.
As Gordon Colborn of PRTM has noted in his commentary, directly relevant entries that were of Finalist quality were sparse in this, the first year of our Environmental Improvement Award.
This category might be regarded as almost the entry level for the Awards – after all, if you can’t ship the right goods to the right place at the right time, it would be hard to make any claim to excellence.
All supply chian work is necessarily team work. The judges were looking for teamworking and effective collaboration both within the organisation and externally with partners, suppliers and customers and many of our finalists demonstrated these qualities.
A real innovation in the Awards this year is the Outstanding Contribution Award. Uniquely, this doesn’t involve complex metrics, exhaustive questionnaires, or teams of consultants with clipboards.
The finalists have now been selected for the 10th anniversary year of The European Supply Chain Excellence Awards.
True to the spirit and objectives of the European Supply Chain Excellence Awards, the entrants this year came from a diverse range of industries and companies across Europe.