Browsing: Supply Chain

Manufacturers are going to have to do more to earn a crust from the lucrative auto after-market with the lifting of block exemption. Dealers will be flying their own flags.

The internet could play a bigger part than you think in the car of our dreams. The networked car could soon be a reality. If you’re a manufacturer, dealer or supplier, take a look into the future, imagine this…

Tibbett & Britten Group has signed a new three-year warehousing and distribution contract in the UK with O2 UK, and has become its preferred logistics partner. The company has supported O2 UK with logistics services since 1999 and, after initially providi

Westland Helicopters in Yeovil has awarded a contract worth £20M over five years to manage core elements of its post sales and repair service to Product Support Ltd (PSL), a national supply chain and packaging company based in Bedford.

Product lifecycle management (PLM) might have originated in the world of heavy engineering but it is now proving it’s worth in retailing and the ephemeral world of fashion.