Browsing: Supply Chain

In a world of diminishing carrier options, the new ‘multiple carrier management’ packages will automate the juggling of shipments between a number of distribution companies.

Factory gate pricing is currently being driven by supply chain people interested in efficiencies, but there is now a fear that buyers will hijack the process to create another stick with which to beat suppliers.

Investing in warehouse automation could be considered a gamble. But with competitive pressures building, getting supply chain costs down is leading many to take the plunge. Is it really that scary?

For some time, international consolidation – with its associated logistics challenges – has been more prevalent among Continental than UK retailers. But do the Europeans really aspire only to match the muscle of the world’s ‘super-shop’, WalMart, or is th

Through computer-to-computer communications, it’s now possible to automate many of the decisions involved in everyday transactions. Web Services are providing those closer connections between trading partners.

Team-building is the name of the game for the head of procurement for the UK’s Great North Eastern Railway

The head of supply chain at Sears Roebuck’s philosophy was forged as the logistic commander of Desert Storm

As we all know only too well from ten years of PC upgrades, information technology is a very fast-moving sector. So, what will the next few years have in store for the logistics sector?