Browsing: Retail

Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management has been chosen by Italian retailer Unicoop Firenze to streamline its store and inventory operations

The increase in online shopping has changed the retail industry for good and this year’s European Supply Chain Excellence Awards judges will be looking at how the companies nominated for the Retail & E-Tail award have dealt with this

As the lines between in-store and online blur, are retail supply chain priorities shifting from regular replenishment to delivering to order with “keeping the shelves filled” no longer considered a necessity?

In an omni-channel world supply chain management needs to embrace more than just products, deliveries and the internet

Retail organisations are facing a seismic shift in the markets they serve – from multiple channels to international expansion. But are the systems in place to fulfil orders and manage returns across this altered and highly complex landscape?

With ‘click and collect’ now described as ‘mandatory’ by many e-commerce experts the implications for retail supply chains are significant and far-reaching – how will they cope with the challenges?

GLIT – goods lost in transit – is an increasing problem as online shopping grows and less than honest customers find it can be an almost foolproof way for acquiring a few extras. What can retailers and carriers do?