Browsing: Supply Chain Analysis

Healthcare is a highly political subject. When the UK’s NHS outsourced its supply chain to a logistics services company close scrutiny ensued. But the stakes are high – assurances were given that savings of €127million would bemade each year for ten years

Things are changing. Top retailers are facing far more sophisticated challenges within their supply chains following the wide adoption of multi-channel strategies to market. No longer is it a matter of picking cases or pallet loads for a typical store

According to property pundits across Europe, despite a more subdued level of activity around the world following the recent tangle in the finance markets, occupiers of warehousing are looking at increasing rent levels.

If supply chain practice ever needs a fashionable rebranding, we could do worse than style ourselves ”risk managers”, for in these economically and politically febrile times, managing and mitigating risk is an increasing part of what we do

In stark contrast to the strong rating of the significance of green issues to the development of the business only 23 per cent measure the carbon footprint of their products Over the last decade outsourcing the manufacturer of goods to distant, low-cost

Decisions about the location and design of warehouses are critical to shaping modern supply chains, but without effective warehouse management systems to run them they cannot possibly operate efficiently

In a world where trade is global, ”global trade management” (GTM) sounds a fairly obvious name for what supply chain managers spend most of their time doing. In the world of European IT, however, the GTM label is a comparatively recent phenomenon

With all the talk of borrowing squeezes and high interest rates, perhaps financial directors need to look at some of the assets locked up in company supply chains. When goods commonly spent no more than a few days in transit, financing the supply chain