Browsing: Supply Chain Analysis

How do you gain competitive advantage with a supply chain delivering a vast array of 400,000 products to 1,850 branches? This was the complex challenge facing plumbing and building merchant, Wolseley UK. Their answer was to invest €150 million in a new

Supply chain technology has come a long way since the early days of EDI, warehouse management technology and demand forecasting. Today, it is fast becoming a totally joined-up message thanks to the latest IT. Soon systems will be able to call on a raft of

While Europe has seen a downshift in production, its economies have become increasingly consumption oriented, boosting distribution activity. Most goods are transported by truck, but the costs of road transport are rising due to spiralling wage costs and

Despite its position on the periphery of Europe the UK is one of the largest logistics markets in Europe with some 150 million sq m of warehouse stock. Thanks to confidence by developers in the speculative building market, coupled with an appetite by reta

As Tesco commits to carbon labelling, Carrefour sets up an ‘Environment club’ and M&S pledges to spend €300m on being carbon neutral by 2012, the stakes are riding high to secure the moral high ground in the battle for green consumers. But in these unchar

How do you get the most from your distribution centre? Automated processes can reap rewards for those prepared to invest both the cash and, perhaps more importantly, the time required to fully understand the dynamics of the business. Latest research indic

Winning the hearts and minds of customers should be central to any retailer’s forward strategy, say Daniel Bagge and Keith Burgess. Research indicates that 79 per cent of customers will actively commit to a deeper relationship after a satisfying experienc

Demand levels from occupiers, propped up by consumer spending, has boosted developer’s confidence in investing in more speculative schemes across the continenet. Research from Atisreal in France points to Bordeaux as an area to watch, while King Sturge hi

Significant challenges face the future of supply chains – as the sourcing of goods from low-cost economies increase logistics costs as a proportion of the cost of goods sold and as ‘green’ retailers move to develop wholly sustainable supply chains. Solu