Flemish innovation
Browsing: Supply Chain Visibility
New standard assesses logisticians’ competences
Opening up frontiers in logistics – broadening opportunities
VIB – Vereniging voor Inkoop en Logistiek International masterclasses in strategic purchasing and supply chain management
There was a transatlantic flavour to the CLM’s annual conference in Chicago.
Planning along with close collaboration with suppliers is hallmark of winning logistics operation
In Rome, as the temperatures soared to 42°C outside (but with good air-conditioning inside), the European Certification Board for Logistics held its first Assessors Workshop.
Students of Darmstadt University of Technology take second place in the Logistics Case Competition in the US
To the Commission of the European Communities. Final Report. Available in October 2003
New ELA vice-president, Giulio Aguiari recently chaired the Eurolog 2003 conference. This is his personal report on the proceedings.