Women working in traditionally male-dominated industries need to be resilient and “always having a plan B in your pocket”, TNT managing director Marianne Culver said in her key note speech at the ‘Advancing Women Academy’, run by Everywoman.

She also called on female leaders of the future to regularly find time ‘away from the daily drumbeat’ to reflect on whether they were being developed and fulfilled, and consider how they could make sure this happened if not.
She said that the transport and logistics sector can still be perceived as male-dominated from the outside, but called on talented women to be proactive in seizing the opportunities which existed to help drive their companies and the wider market forward.
“I’m proud to be a part of an organisation where all staff are regularly challenged, as well as valued. I am wholeheartedly committed to ensuring that all TNT employees enjoy the same quality of experience and believe that for those who are determined enough, they have the opportunity to forge a long and successful career in the transport and logistics industry.”