Professor Richard Wilding has been named one the of UK Top100 Corporate Modern Slavery Influencers of 2018 in an inaugural Index, created by BRE and Sustain Worldwide.
The unranked Top100 from business, the media and academia includes Livia Firth, Lucy Siegle, Justine Currell, Kevin Bales, Nick Grono and Paul Gerrard.

The Index is based on the combination of influence on social media, as measured by Klout scores, and advocacy – policy input, speaking and media engagement – in public life, which is evaluated by desktop research and then the two are aggregated via a proprietary algorithm. A panel that is independent of business verifies the Index’s transparency, robustness and independence.
In 2017, a total of 5,145 potential victims were referred to Britain’s National Referral Mechanism, a 35 per cent increase on the previous year. The UK Government has estimated there are between 10,000-13,000 people held in modern slavery in Britain today. The Global Slavery Index has estimated there are 45.8million people across 167 countries in modern day slavery.